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品牌 上海美矿
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更新 2020-11-25 16:06


  • 上海
  • 上次登录 2021-08-31
  • 叶春丽 (女士)   营销专员

 MPH系列圆锥破碎机的优势技术在于将更高的转速与冲程结合,从而使 MPH系列圆锥破碎机的额定功率和通过能力大大提高,成为相同规格中生产能 力最大的破碎机。

MPH系列圆锥破碎机的破碎技术能够用较少较小的设备,在最小的空间得 到最大的产量。

MPH系列圆锥破碎机独特的颗粒间层压破碎作用原理使粒级更为均勾,用 于生产石料,产品形状整齐,从而提高产品价值,达到更好的多破少磨的效 果。MPH系列圆锥破碎机能够在恒定排料口下进行生产,提高了整个生产过程 的稳定性。此外过铁保护能够确保破碎机在通过铁块以后能够立即复位,保持 稳定的排料口。MPH系列圆锥破碎机能够以较少的破碎段数,生产更细的产 品,降低成本并节约能源。

通过MPH系列圆锥破碎机若以较低的速度运转,就可以改变产品的级配以生产较少的细料,生产更优的产品, 产量更高。

High capacity

Thanks to the combination of higher speed and throw, which increases the machine7 s power rating and throughput capacity. MPH series of cone crushers have the highest capacities for the size in the industry.

MPH technology allows you to use either fewer or smaller units to get the highest possible production out of the smallest possible space.

Higher quality

The unique antiparticle crushing action of MPH series of cone crusher creates a higher value of your product by providing a more consistent gradation and a superior product shape. The ability to operate at a fixed mechanical setting-instead of the head floating a column of hydraulic oil-creates less setting drift and provides more stability throughout the circuit. The proven benefit of a threaded rotating bowl maintains a consistent setting around the entire circumference of the crushing chamber. Also, the use of a tramp release system with a fixed return point makes sure that the crusher setting is instantaneously maintained even after passing a piece of tamp iron. MPH series of cone crusher also enable you to produce a finer product with fewer crushing stages. Lowering your capital costs and saving energy.

High yield

By operating the M PH cone crusher on the lower end of its speed range, the product gradation can be shifted to produce fewer fines and a higher percentage of on-spec products. The MPH cone crusher creates a higher value product with less waste.

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